dimanche, 29 novembre 2020

World halal Summit invites World Muslim Consumers Organization

The World Halal Summit @HalalSummit and 6th Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Halal Expo, organized by Discover Events in cooperation with The Islamic Centre for Development of Trade (ICDT), The Standards and Metrology Institute for Islamic Countries (SMIIC), supported by Turkish Ministry of Economy, other related Turkish Ministries and Turkish Governmental institutions under the auspices of The Presidency of The Republic of Turkey with honorable participation of His Excellency Mr. Recep Tayyip ERDOĞAN, is going to be held between 29 Nov-2 Dec 2018 in Istanbul,Turkey.

Mrs Hanen Rezgui will present the World Mulism Consumers organization’s program within the SESSION E1 : HALAL AWARENESS

The lack of the Muslim consumers’ protection will be illustrated by a comparative study. The role of the international organizations like the Codex, the World Trade Organization, the SMIIC, the OIC and the Muslim World League and the need to represent Muslim consumers interests by independent Muslim consumers’ organizations will be discussed.

World Halal Summit is the biggest halal event in the world. The summit aims to raise awareness about Halal around the globe by bringing together experts to discuss significant issues related to Halal in detail. Target groups in the sector, institutions and companies that take important role in the ecosystem are other actors that help the summit to expand awareness by organizing conferences in finance, tourism, food, textile, modest fashion, medicine, and other related sectors.

Insha’Allah will meet you soon in Istanbul

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A propos de ASIDCOM
A propos d’ASIDCOM Créée en 2006 et présidée par Abdelaziz Di-Spigno jusqu’à juin 2011, l’association ASIDCOM est une association de consommateurs musulmans, déclarée ( type loi 1901) le 3 octobre 2006 en Préfecture des Bouches-du-Rhône, puis déclarée le 28 janvier 2013 à la Préfecture du Nord et elle (...)
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