vendredi, 15 avril 2016

Mot-clé :

DIALREL recommendations : comments of Pr Regenstein

Comments on the latest version of the DialRel Document “Main outcomes and recommendations to good animal welfare practices during religious slaughter” Submitted by Joe M. Regenstein, Professor of Food Science, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY (...)

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Religious Slaughter in Europe : Consumer Deception and DialRel’s Failure

The know-how of the peasant and the manual handling of animals are disappearing gradually, giving up their place to more and more automatic handling that may or may not be appropriate from the animal welfare point of view. Similarly, the (...)

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Announcing for the First Gulf and Middle East Conference on Halal Services & Industry

Over 40 Devoted Muslim Lecturers from various parts of the world Location : State of Kuwait, Salmiyah, Duration : 24-26 january 2011. If you wish to attend, and want to get a personal official invitation please contact Dr. Hani M. AL-Mazeedi (...)

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حوار مع د. هاني منصور المزيدي : من التناقض أن معايير الحلال تعارض مصالح المستهلك

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم أسيدكوم : دكتور هاني منصور المزيدي، الباحث في معهد الكويت للابحاث العلمية بدولة الكويت، هل يمكن ان تعرفنا بنفسك؟ :د. هاني منصور المزيدي ولدت في الكويت في عام 1954، ودرست فيها حتى المرحلة الثانوية وفي عام 1972 ذهبت إلى الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية (...)

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Discriminatory amendment : opinion of Professor Regenstein

Thus, the new label, supposedly to benefit animal welfare, requires sellers to indicate how the animal was killed, but only in the case of Jewish and Muslim ritual slaughter or other traditional slaughters without stunning. Indeed, no labeling (...)

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Report : the welfare of animals is one of the core messages of both the Jewish and Islamic religions.

( français ) The French Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fishing has published ASIDCOM’s Bibliographical Report on Religious Slaughter and the Welfare of Animals, as a contribution within the framework of a meeting on animals and society (...)

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Interview with Dr. Joe M. Regenstein : "A live worth living"

Dr. Regenstein currently has primary responsibility for a number of courses at Cornell including Kosher and Halal Food Regulations, and Animal Welfare. The Kosher and Halal Food Regulations course has been taught at Carnegie Mellon University (...)

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Documents sur le sacrifice rituel

Vous trouverez sur cette page des rapports scientifiques, traductions d’articles, interviews sur le sacrifice rituel. Les bénéfices de l’abattage rituel sans étourdissement pour les animaux et les hommes Rapport bibliographique scientifique sur (...)

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A propos de ASIDCOM
A propos d’ASIDCOM Créée en 2006 et présidée par Abdelaziz Di-Spigno jusqu’à juin 2011, l’association ASIDCOM est une association de consommateurs musulmans, déclarée ( type loi 1901) le 3 octobre 2006 en Préfecture des Bouches-du-Rhône, puis déclarée le 28 janvier 2013 à la Préfecture du Nord et elle (...)
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