vendredi, 15 avril 2016

Mot-clé :

ASIDCOM Press Release : After pressure from the Brigitte Bardot Foundation in 2008, it is now ARGML who is attacking ASIDCOM

The reason for this action is the contents of the ASIDCOM Bulletin No. 2, published on December 19, 2012, regarding halal certification by the three great mosques (Paris, Lyon and Evry) and the Isla-Delice halal products case. This organization (...)

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بعد التعرض لضغوطات (*) من قبل مؤسسة بريجيت باردو سنة 2008، تواجه جمعية أسيدكوم الآن قضية رفعتها ضدها الأرجمال (مسجد ليون)

ويعود سبب رفع هذه القضية إلى محتوى المنشور الثاني لأسيدكوم الذي أصدرته في 19 من شهر كانون الأول، المتعلق بشهادات الحلال التي تصدرها المساجد الكبرى الثلاث في فرنسا (باريس وليون وإيفري) وتداعيات تحول شركة إسلا ديليس عن استصدار شهادات أ في سي (التي لا تسمح بالصعق قبل الذبح) إلى (...)

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Report : The Muslim Consumer as the Key Player in Halal

Definition of Professor Muhammad Hamidullah : Paris August 15, 1982 Meats are considered Muslim (Halal) from religious slaughter performed exclusively, without stunning, by a Muslim, as follows : Turn the throat of the animal towards the (...)

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ASIDCOM interpellates the government and declared candidates for the presidential election

Indeed, the government of Mr. Sarkozy did not find more populist appeal to the voices of the extreme right and lobbies for animal welfare than issuing texts (Decree and Order of 28/12/11 published in the Official Journal of 12/29/11) that seek (...)

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Interview with Darhim Hashim : a single global standard is neither feasable nor necessary

ASIDCOM : Please, talk about yourself and your experience in the halal market ? Darhim Hashim : I am actually a Chartered Accountant by qualification but I first got involved in the agriculture sector when I was working with a conglomerate (...)

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وضع معيار عالمي للحلال هو أمر غير ممكن و ليس ضروري

أسيدكوم : حدثونا عنكم و عن تجربتكم في سوق الحلال؟ هاشيم درهم : إن تخصصي في الواقع هو محاسب قانوني و عملت لأول مرة في قطاع الفلاحة عندما كنت أعمل لدى تكتل شركات له قسم زراعي و فلاحي. و من بين المهام التي كنت مكلف بها كان علي أن أدخل تربية الماشية في مزارع نخيل الزيت. ووجدت (...)

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Slides of The First Gulf Conference on Halal Industry and its Services

The main message of the conference is to stop the use of all types of Stunning before or after slaughtering, to stop the use of all types of Mechanical slaughtering, actual slaughtering done by only Muslim Slaughter men, and for all food, (...)

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The World Halal Forum Europe 2010 In London

The World Halal Forum Europe 2010 kicked off at London’s Earls Court Conference Centre on Tuesday, 10th November to a fully packed hall of 148 delegates from 28 countries. The forum, UK’s first major halal industry event to date,has, at its second (...)

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DIALREL recommendations : comments of Pr Regenstein

Comments on the latest version of the DialRel Document “Main outcomes and recommendations to good animal welfare practices during religious slaughter” Submitted by Joe M. Regenstein, Professor of Food Science, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY (...)

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Religious Slaughter in Europe : Consumer Deception and DialRel’s Failure

The know-how of the peasant and the manual handling of animals are disappearing gradually, giving up their place to more and more automatic handling that may or may not be appropriate from the animal welfare point of view. Similarly, the (...)

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A propos de ASIDCOM
A propos d’ASIDCOM Créée en 2006 et présidée par Abdelaziz Di-Spigno jusqu’à juin 2011, l’association ASIDCOM est une association de consommateurs musulmans, déclarée ( type loi 1901) le 3 octobre 2006 en Préfecture des Bouches-du-Rhône, puis déclarée le 28 janvier 2013 à la Préfecture du Nord et elle (...)
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